jeudi 12 juillet 2012

Rocket Crafters va s’installer à Titusville pour voler six fois plus vite qu’en avion. Un bout dans l’espace…

Paris to Sydney in three hours. It tempts you ?
- Photo : Rocket Crafters
[ Titusville (FLA), July 12th, 2012, © (rke), english below ] – Excellente nouvelle pour l’économie locale et régionale du centre de la Floride. La société Rocket Crafters a préféré Titusville des sites dans le Colorado, le Nouveau Mexique, l’Utah et le Texas pour s’y implanter et pour y construire des avions-fusées suborbitaux - juste un saut de puce dans un bout dans l’espace. On pourra aller de Paris à Sydney six fois plus vite qu’en avion actuel, ce qui fait trois petites heures au lieu d’une vingtaine.
Et cette implantation devrait générer quelque 1’300 emplois d’ici à 2017.

Rocket Crafters' arrival propels Titusville to fly six times as fast that by plane ! Just a little in the space …

Great news for the local and regional economy of central Florida. That was the reaction from lawmakers, economic development officials and the founders of a Utah-based company called Rocket Crafters Inc., announced plans to move its fledgling high-tech aerospace operation to Titusville.
La nouvelle annoncée dans le Florida Today du
11 juillet 2012.
A soon-to-be-manufacturer of suborbital space planes and developer of innovative propulsion systems, Rocket Crafters laid out an ambitious program to create hundreds of jobs for the area over the next several years while dramatically advancing the concept of point-to-point transportation.
Rocket Crafters’ plan is to build aircraft that would take off like traditional jets, fly into sub-orbit and then land like a jet thousands of miles away, completing a journey that would take about one-sixth the time it would take a traditional airliner.
The company selected Titusville over sites in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Texas mainly because of its space resources — including experienced aerospace workers and knowledgeable officials — and an incentive package that included the city of Titusville providing the company a temporary, 23,000-square-foot hangar, testing facility and headquarters on the edge of Space Coast Regional Airport. The state and county also agreed to several performance-based incentives.
In two years, Rocket Crafters hopes to complete a 400,000-square-foot facility on 33 acres of airport land that it would fill with equipment. Total cost: More than $70 million.

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