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[ Cape Canaveral, July 5th 2011, © rke, english below this news ] – Le projet est connu depuis quelques mois, mais il revient sur le tapis Ă Cap Canaveral. L’entreprise amĂ©ricaine ATK (www.atk.com) et Astrium ont annoncĂ© un projet de nouveau lanceur, pour envoyer des astronautes amĂ©ricains vers la Station spatiale internationale (ISS). BaptisĂ© Liberty, celui-ci serait composĂ© d'un premier Ă©tage Ă poudre identique Ă celui partiellement dĂ©veloppĂ© par ATK pour feu le projet Ares 1 et d'un deuxième Ă©tage Ă carburant liquide qui ne serait autre que le corps principal de la fusĂ©e europĂ©enne Ariane 5, avec son moteur Vulcain. Autrement dit, un bout de booster de navette et un bout d’Ariane.
Avec ce projet, ATK et Astrium entrent dans une compĂ©tition dĂ©jĂ engagĂ©e par Space X, Boeing et Lockheed Martin. HĂ©las, la NASA a rejetĂ© la proposition amĂ©ricano-europĂ©enne en avril dernier, mais Charles Boden, le big-boss de l’agence spatiale US a annoncĂ© rĂ©cemment au Bourget que le projet avait des chances d’ĂŞtre remis au goĂ»t du jour lors d’un prochain cycle de sĂ©lection prĂ©vu l’an prochain. En tous cas, ici, Ă Cap Canaveral ATK y croit encore, si non ils ne seraient pas prĂ©sents. Ne serait-ce pas lĂ la meilleure solution ?
The project has been known for some months, but it comes up in Cape Canaveral. The U.S. company ATK (www.atk.com) and Astrium has announced a new launch vehicle to send U.S. astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). Called Liberty, it would consist of a first floor powder identical to that developed by ATK in part to fire the project Ares 1 and a second stage liquid fuel that none other than the main body of the European rocket Ariane 5's Vulcain engine. In other words, a piece of shuttle booster and a piece of Ariane.
With this project, and Astrium ATK enter a competition already committed by Space X, Boeing and Lockheed Martin. Sorry, NASA has rejected the proposed European-American in April, but Charles Boden, the big-boss of the U.S. space agency announced recently at Le Bourget that this project to be revived during a next round of selection expected next year. In any case, here in Cape Canaveral, ATK believes even if not they would not be present. Would not this the best solution ?