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La Suissesse Jane Richard Philips et Foica van den Bisschop. - Photo : rke |
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Le big truck à chevaux devant l'hôtel. - Photo : rke |
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Les boxes en face de l'A1A. - Photo : rke |
J’ai d’ailleurs été surpris de l’odeur des équidés qui mélangé à un air tropical donne un parfum très agréable. Et comme si on allait à la plage, on remarque, tout proche, de très longues tantes implantées et il y a suffisamment de larguer jusqu’en bord de mer. Les touristes peuvent s’installer sur les tribunes (à gauche) sans payer. Il y a juste une vigie pour un simple contrôle de routine. À droite du « stade sur sable », là il faut montrer un badge, mais il n’y a pas de fouille. A l’intérieur de cette zone VIP est installé un centre de presse dont la vitrine donne directement sur le carré de sable (si je puis dire) du concours. Et pas besoin de dossard pour reconnaître les photographes.
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Pius Schwizer (left) and I. - Selfie |
Pius Schwizer : "Mes chevaux ont été perturbés par le climat marin"
« Mes chevaux ont un peu été perturbés par l’endroit particulier de la plage », m’a confié le cavalier suisse Pius Schwiser, médaillé de bronze des Jeux olympiques par équipe de 2008 qui n’a pas pris part au Grand Prix, mais l’épreuve précédente. En tous cas, c’est vrai qu’il y a un côté show à l’Américaine qui n’est pas pour déplaire aux nombreux vacanciers qui ont la possibilité de voir un prestigieux concours en bord de plage, et ce gratuitement. Rien que pour cela, le déplacement en vaut la peine. Un brin d’exotisme hippique accessible à tout un chacun. Les chevaux ont au moins pu sauter dans du sable naturel… Allez Alban, ça vaut le détour !
- Post-scriptum : j'oubliais de vous dire que je suis venu e.n tant qu'éclaireur reporter pour les prochaines éditions. Surtout avec ma fille Laura et peut-être sa maman Anita
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Scott Brash (Great Britain) and Ursula XII. - Photo : rke |
D'autres images / Other photos : click here
The Longines Global Champions Tour of Miami: a Bit of Horse-Exoticism-Exhibition Accessible to Everyone
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The winners of Miami Grand Prix : Edwina Tops-Alexander and California. - Photo : rke |
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The road. - Photo : Google |

[Miami, Florida, April 7, 2018, rke] – As I am in a press trip to Florida, I could not miss this! The Longines Global Champions Tour (LGCT), a high-level 5-star horse racing competition. This event is not very popular by less fortunate riders because of its spectacular side, but wrongly, it seems to me, after my adventure in Miami Beach. So, I boarded in my elegant gray Ford Edge (a little bump) and sailed from Cocoa to Miami Beach to attend at least the flagship event, the Grand Prix (1m60). 3 hours drive and good hours in traffic, from the north of the city, to Miami Beach. From the North, the best way is to take the 15th Street East and the follow the perpendicular junction where you reach the famous A1A, then be careful to stay on the right and go down south. A few streets further, you fall right on the boxes in the LGCT. The problem is the parking lot, nothing is planned and organized. This must be done with self-help and do not hesitate to park in the distance, even if you want to walk a little. The site is in front of Collins Park. The boxes are immediately installed aboard the A1A, but it does not bother the horses because the place is very extensive.
A smell of equines mixed with a tropical air
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The Press Center. - Photo : rke |
I was surprised by the smell of equines mixed with a tropical air gives a very pleasant scent. And as if we went to the beach, we notice, very close, very long aunts and there is enough to drop to the seaside. Tourists can settle on the stands (left) without paying. There is just a lookout for a simple routine check. To the right of the "stadium on sand,” there must be a badge, but there is no frisking. Inside this VIP area there is a press center whose showcase directly overlooks the sand site (if I may say) of the competition. And no need to put a bib to recognize photographers.
Pius Schwizer: "My horses have been unrest by the sea climate"
"My horses have been a little disturbed by the particular place on the beach," said Swiss rider Pius Schwiser, 2008 Olympic Games team bronze medalist who did not take part in the Grand Prix, but the previous proof. In any case, it is true that there is an American’s show for this event, but that is not to displease the many tourists who have the opportunity to see a prestigious contest on the beach, and free of charge. Just for that, the trip is worth it. A bit of horse-exoticism-exhibition accessible to everyone. And the horses have at least been able to jump in natural sand ... Come on Alban ! – (Poudret, Chief Editor of Le cavalier Romand) – it's worth the trip!
- PS: I forgot to tell you that I have come as a scout-reporter for future editions. Especially with my daughter Laura and maybe her mom Anita
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Panorama of the beach. - Photo : rke |